My McCord & Hill Family Photos

These are photos I have collected for my grandmother Mabel McCord Wood's family members which includes the surnames McCord, Hill, Hendrickson and others. I want to thank Cousin Pat Skinner McCord, Mary Lou Cook of Collector Nuts and others for providing many of them.

You can click on these photos to see a larger version. When there is a person's name highlighted below the photo you can click to see their details.Note that in an effort to provide a quality photo, most have been edited, cropped, enhanced and some have colorized using the My Heritage Photo Editor, Acrobat Photo Express or other software.

MyHeritage enhanced photo icons

Many of these photos were given to me by others. In some cases, I am not confident of the identity of some of the people in them. If you see someone who is not identified, or If you have information or corrections, please let me know. Any new photos would be greatly appreciated.

Feel free to share these photos but in order to help others find them, please honor the Creative Commons license (found at the bottom of the page) by giving this website credit for them when you use them. My contact information can also be found at the bottom of each page.

Allen McCord and wife Mabel McMillian,"> Mabel-Wood, Lorraine-McMillian and Clifford R Wood taken in 1961.
Ben and Bonnie McCord 25th Anniversary Celebration May 1981
Beula McCord Searles & unknown child
Beula McCord Searles -Nov 1986 age 69 years old
Beulah McCord and husband Dale Searles 40th anniversary April 1979
Calvin R and wife Lila Anderson McCord celebrating 20th Anniversary in Saratoga WY
Calvin R and wife Lila Anderson McCord
Cassidy and Pellet families
Charles L and Margaret Toepfer McCords (front) family - Gerald P back left, Russell C and Margaret L back middle and Lloyd M back right cir 1940
Charles, Grace, James, Jenney, Susie and Roxey July 1944 Davenport IA
Children of Samuel Q and Hester Mary Hill McCord
Clifford R. Wood in Brookings SD cir. 1940
Dale and wife Mary Earley McCord on 40th anniversary July 5, 1981
Dale McCord received a Bronze Star with Mike Erickson in background
David G, James R and John W in front, Russell c and Ted C McCord in back 1948 in Neola Kansas
Elizabeth May Hill 1834-1928 cir 1910
Everett R & wife Everline Eggebraaten Hendrickson on thier 50th Anniversary with their family Oct 1985
Grandpa and grandma 40th Anniversary (Possibly Harley & Kathryn Stiemetz McCord in 1956)
Harley Ray McCord taken in Atlantic Iowa
Hattie and Charles McCord 2 & 3 from left 1901
Helen Louise Wair and husband Russell Charles McCord 1949
Helen, Russell, Jim, Dave and John McCord 1953
Jacob Henry, wife Evaline Young and daughter Flossie Hill
Home of John F., Hill and wife Elizabeth May Hill in Exira Iowa
John Frederick Hill in Union Army uniform Civil War cir. 1963
Elizabeth May Hill (younger photo)
Jacob Henry Hill son of John F and Eliza May Hill
Jacob Henry Hill son of John F and Eliza May Hill cir 1950
James O and wife Grace L McCord Henrickson
John Russell Sr and Jr with dad John Wendell McCord
John Wendell McCord kids and grandkids
Oscan L and wife Flossie Hill Lindblom
Mabel M McCord, Walter G and son Clifford R Wood cir. 1948 in Fellsmere FL
Mabel M McCord, Walter G Wood cir. 1940 in Fellsmere FL
Opal McCord Meldrum, Mother?, Ethel Wesenberg and Bertha?
Oscar with wife Flossie Hill Lindblom and child
Sam & Opal McCord Meldrum 5th Anniversary 1986
Samuel Quinn McCord and wife Hester Mary Hill cir 1874
Ted McCord and family
Unknown couple, photo from Pat Larson
Verna McCord Fowler and daughters Thyra Marie and Helen cir 1913
Verna McCord Fowler and daughters Thyra Marie and Helen cir 1914
Walter G & Mabel Wood 50th Wedding Anniversary (grandson Walter on left, son Cliff and his wife Saidee on right)
Walter D and father Clifford R Wood at Larson's in SD Aug 1958
My Grandmother Mabel McCord Wood in front of her cafe, The Dew Drop Inn, in Fellsmere Florida
My Grandparents Walter George Wood and wife Mabel McCord Wood in front of her cafe, The Dew Drop Inn, in Fellsmere Florida