My McCord & Hill Family Photos
These are photos I have collected for my grandmother Mabel McCord Wood's family members which includes the surnames McCord, Hill, Hendrickson and others. I want to thank Cousin Pat Skinner McCord, Mary Lou Cook of Collector Nuts and others for providing many of them.
You can click on these photos to see a larger version. When there is a person's name highlighted below the photo you can click to see their details.Note that in an effort to provide a quality photo, most have been edited, cropped, enhanced and some have colorized using the My Heritage Photo Editor, Acrobat Photo Express or other software.
Many of these photos were given to me by others. In some cases, I am not confident of the identity of some of the people in them. If you see someone who is not identified, or If you have information or corrections, please let me know. Any new photos would be greatly appreciated.
Feel free to share these photos but in order to help others find them, please honor the Creative Commons license (found at the bottom of the page) by giving this website credit for them when you use them. My contact information can also be found at the bottom of each page.