Story of the Plaque
My Dowling Family * My Dowling Grandparents * Robert Dowling * Dowling Books * Dowling Reunions * Civil War Memories * Dowlings Who Served
"to the Dowlings who Served in America's Wars"
We are not warriors, nor war-loving people,
but in all times of danger, our people always have mobilized for duty.
Suggested by Hon. Joel Frampton Dowling, Sr.
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Biographical Sketches of the Individuals on the Plaque
This information was based on family records and replies to questionnaires. Identical treatment was intended for each name: failure of families to supply data or missing records make sketches incomplete in some instances. Sketches are given in the order in which names appear on the memorial plaque. Every reasonable effort has been made to insure accuracy.
Story of the Plaque
By Maud Dowling Turner
The story of the memorial plaque commemorating the war services of members of the Dowling Family is the story of the Dowling Family, in miniature, throughout American history.
The plaque records the names of those who served in the War of the Revolution beginning in 1776, the War with England of 1812, the Mexican War of 1848, the War between the States beginning in 1861, the War with Spain of 1898, World War I beginning in 1917, and World War II beginning in 1941.
The recording of the names carries with it the deeper meaning that, generation after generation, the whole of the Dowling Family has done its part toward the preservation of American institutions and the ideal of liberty. And through this deeper meaning can be seen other unidentified Dowling mothers, fathers, husbands, wives, sons and daughters valiantly keeping home fires burning, suffering in mind, body and estate, the while that those named on the plaque made their great sacrifices in the air, on the seas and battlefields and in the camps.
The Dowling Family is a distinguished one. Not so well known through historical works as are the families of Lee and Edwards, the Dowling clan nevertheless has furnished a goodly quota of leaders in all fields.
It is in the ranks of typical Americans - farmers, merchants, skilled artisans, teachers and other professional men and women, home-loving devoted parents - that the Dowling Family also stands in high place. It is as such Americans, and not as the greatest leaders, that the Dowlings with courage, self-reliance, hard work and moral integrity, cleared the land, began our industries, nurtured our culture, provided the money for education, public health and other social needs. In short, it is the Dowlings and other typical Americans who, behind the scenes of actual conflict, provided the sinews for victories and progress.
All of us therefore, as we pay first homage to those who risked or gave life itself in defense of country, honor our family heroes most when in peacetime each - in his or her own way and with full ability - does all possible in the forward struggle for a better world.
As a great American pointed out at Gettysburg, we cannot add to or detract from the record of those who fought in the service of their country. But we can re-dedicate our lives to the unfinished tasks of preserving the good that is in American institutions, the ideal of liberty and human progress. By such re-dedication we can create a living memorial to our family heroes. The plaque therefore should symbolize the moving spirit of the Dowling - Favente Deo, Supero - with the help of God, I conquer.