I have collected and compiled a number of old family photos and have attempted to identify the people in them. Where there was sufficient room, those known in the photos are identified in the caption from left to right. For women, her maiden name is generally provided. Additionally a married surname is given if it is believed that she was married at the time the photo was taken. If a name in the caption is underlined, it is a link to that person's entry in the Person Pages. Note that links are not provided for living persons. For many of the photos containing multiple people and the identities may not be in the caption, hovering the cursor over their face may provide their identity. (Note that hovering is not implemented for all photos).

Additionally where photos of old homesteads, tombstones or other relevant items are available I have included those photos.

Each thumbnail can be double-clicked to open a larger version. When the larger photo is opened, you can use the arrows at the top to scroll between the other photos on the page. The larger photo can be closed by clicking on the X in the upper-right hand corner or in the border of the webpage.

Where dates were written on the original photos those dates are shown in the caption. If no date was available, a date may have been estimated from the subjects' ages, uniforms or other events with known dates such as weddings.

Note that many of these photos have been scanned at low resolution and / or from photos in poor condition. I have attempted to edit and color correct them as time permitted. With time, and as better photos become available these will be updated.

If you have photos to add, or find errors, please contact me using the 'Complier' link at the bottom of the page.