- [S55] Unknown household, 1850 Federal Census, unknown repository address, unknown repository.
- [S437] Letter from Email 5 Feb 2003 Hermon Fagley (unknown author address) to Walter Wood, 5 Feb 2003; unknown repository (unknown repository address). From: HERMON B FAGLEY [e-mail address]
Sent: Wednesday, February 05, 2003 3:02 PM
To: e-mail address
Subject: [OHCLER] Re: [NewCastle]Mary Wynne m 1729 Noah Abrahams.
Son Enoch Abrahams settled ,1778,at Smithfield,Fayette Co,Pa. Wife was Jane Hamilton. And,of their several children,several were very early in my sw Clermont Co,Ohio .Jane Abrahams, m 1st Alexander Buchanan's son,and then Absalom Wood, crossed from Buchanan's Fort near Germantown, Bracken Co,Ky in 1795. Yes,you on DECASTLE-L Bracken AS MARRIED BALL.
Florence Abrahams m Lemuel Stephenson, and mine was Maragret m David Brown proven by DNA not akin to Thomas and Mary Ball Brown.
I'm forgetting one,but old John Abrahams,with his store,and his 1000
acress, after his 1st wife died-she was Levi Wells dau. Old John,in his early 70;s and
with 1000 acres,married a teenager,and had 2-3 kids. Barkley girl.
On Wed, 5 Feb 2003 13:40:32 -0500 Debbie <e-mail address> writes:
A Child of David Davies, skinner, 2 Mo. 2, 1744.
Sarah Wynne, widow to Jonathan Wynne, 2 d Mo. 27, 1744.
maiden name was Sarah Greaves. Her children were, Thomas, John,
Jonathan, Hannah, Mary, Sidney, Martha, Elizabeth, James.
Thomas married Mary Warner and remained on the plantation,
"Wynnstay", in Blockley.
John settled in Germantown and married Ann Pastorius.
Jonathan settled in East Nantmeal township, Chester Co.
James died young.
Mary married Nov. 28, 1729, Noah Abraham of Upper Merion.
Martha married Aug. 30, 1741, James Kite, son of Abraham
8, 30, 1741. James Keite, son of Abraham of Blockley, and Martha
of the same place, spinster, at Merion Meeting House. Wit:
Mary, Isaac, Thomas, John and Joseph Kite; Sarah, Thomas, John, Ann,
Lydia and Sarah Wynne.
Mary Winne and Noah Abraham, married 9 Mo. 28, 1729.
is recorded at the First Prebysterian Church, Philadelphia.
Sidney Wynne married Samuel Graves, 4 Mo. 1, 1732. Also
recorded at First Presbyterian Church.
Elizabeth Wynn married Ralph Lewis, 7 Mo. 2, 1737. Recorded
First Presbyterian Church.
Ellen Jones, wife to Robert. Jones, Merion, 5 th Mo. 8,
She was a sister of David Jones of Blockley, and "adventurer" on
"Ship Lyon".
Her husband, Robert Jones, was a son of John ap Thomas.
and Ellen Jones had a daughter Elizabeth, who married Daniel
son of Thomas Lawrence and Sarah William, his wife (daughter of
ap Edward.)
The property of this Jones family extended from Crow Hill to
Schuylkill river opposite West Manayunk. Part of the original tract
still in possession of their descendants. Several homesteads are
standing. The log cabin occupied by Katharine, widow of John ap
stood until recent years on the road leading to Manayunk Bridge,
11, 3, 1693. Robert Jones of Merion, batchelor, and Ellin
of the same twp., spinster, at Katharin Robert's house. Wit:
John, Ellen, Catharine and Ann Jones; Griffith John; Edward Price.
2, 8, 1748. Daniel Lawrence, son of Thomas of Haverford,
Elizabeth Jones, dau. of Robert of Merion, dec'd, at Merion Meeting
House. Wit: Thomas, Sarah, David, William, Sarah, Jane and Margaret
Lawrence; Gerrard, Robert and Margaret Jones.
Anne Peters, sister to Mary Warner on the Road, 5 Mo. 15,
1744. * (*Crossed out apparently by the author "She was the
daughter of
Thomas and Elizabeth Peters.")
"The Road" was the Old Lancaster Avenue, West Phila. The
homestead stood at Forty-Fifth Street and Westminister Avenue, until
The will of Thomas Peters, Sr. was signed December 22,
Proved in Philadelphia, Feb. 1, 1723-4. Mentions his wife Alice.
Brother Rees Peter's eldest son Thomas. His own children, Thomas,
Benjamin, Rees, Mary, William, Margaret, Elizabeth and an unborn
Witnesses, Richard Preston, Rice Peters, Jr., James Burn.
Reese Peters and Ann Brooksby 5 Mo. 27, 1711.
Reese Peters and Elizabeth Clark, 1 Mo. 29, 1728. These
marriages recorded at the Philadelphia Meeting of Friends.
The will of Rees Peters, of Abington township, Phila. Co. is
recorded in Philadelphia. Rees Peters, cordwainer. Mentions wife
Margaret. Cousins, Benjamin, Thomas and Rees Peters, Mary Kite.
law, John Roberts. Leaves a bequest to the poor of Friends'
Executrix, Margaret Peters. Signed Feb. 26, 1726-7. Witnesses,
Morris, Daniel Thomas, John Meredith. Proved March 15, 1726.
Sarah, the wife of Jonathan Humphreys, 7 Mo. 23, 1744.
Humphreys was the son of Daniel Humphreys and Hannah Wynne, his
Jonathan was born 7 Mo. 9, 1698.
William Armstrong died at David Evans, 8 Mo. 1, 1744.
Edward Warner, son of John Warner, 9 Mo. 11, 1744.
Jacob Miller's Child, buried 11, Mo. 30, 1744-5.
Eleanor Bevan, wife of Evan Bevan and sister of John Wood of
Darby, died at Merion, 11 Mo. 28, 1744. Buried 11 Mo. 30, 1744.
was an aged preacher among Friends.
Evan Bevan, batchelor, of Haverford, to Elinor Wood of
Darby, at
Darby, 11 Mo. 9, 1693. witnesses, John, John, Jr., and Ann and
Bevan; George and John Wood.
The name of Eleanor Bevan appears on the List of Taxables,
The name of John Wood appears on the List of Taxables for
The names of Richard Bevan, T. Bevan, John Bevan and Charles
Bevan appear on Holme's Map, 1681-3.
The children of Evan and Eleanor Bevan were; John (b. 1694
- he
was heir to Treverigg, in Glamorganshire to which place he removed,
there died, leaving descendants); Barbara (b. 1696); Evan (b.
Aubrey; Charles; Ann; Catharine; Jane (b. 1707-8).
Evan Bevan (b. 1698), died in Philadelphia, 1746. Letters
administration on his estate were granted to his widow, Mary Bevan.
Among his children were Charles (d. 1800); Evan (d. in Phila.
Charles, of Phila. and Merion, married and had Charles, a
and orphan in 1800. Also, a dau. Ann, (who m. Philip schreiber, or
Shriver, July 1, 1790.) Charles (m. in 1801, or 1802, while a
Mary Lippincott of N.J. ( who m. 2 d. Osmon Henvis, of Lower
Charles and Mary had two sons, John L. Bevan; and Henry Clay Bevan
Jan 9, 1834, Emily Horn.)
* The following several paragraphs were crossed out
by the author.
Evan Harry of the Welch Tract (Merion) died 1744. Buried at
David's. Estate administered in Philadelphia, 1744.
The name of Evan Harry is on the List of Taxables 1734.
Harry of Merion and Katharine David, widow, of Merion, at public
house at Merion, 3 Mo. 11, 1697. Wit" John, Evan and Robert
John, John, Jr., and Evan Bevan.
Letters of Administration were granted to Ann Harry, widow,
Evan Harry, yeoman, both of Merion, Aug. ss, 1744.
Evan Henry, on List 1693
The will of Ann Harry, Merion, was signed Aug. 23, 1758 -
Oct. 21, 1758. She mentions her cousin Jane Warner. Wit: James
Ed Humphreys, Joseph Bonsall.
10, 12, 1727. Rees Harry, son of David Harry of Plymouth,
Phila. Co. yeoman, and Mary Price, dau. of Rees Price of Haverford,
yeoman, at Haverford Meeting. Wit: David, Lydia and Mary Harry;
Edward, Margt. and Isaac Price.
3, 7, 1724. Samuel Harry of Radnor, yeoman - and Elizabeth
Thomas dau. Rees Thomas, at Radnor Meeting. Wit: David Lydia,
and Mary Harry; Rees, Martha, William and Rees, Jr. Thomas.
3, 12, 1724. Wm. Thomas of Merion, yeoman and Elizabeth
dau. of David of Radnor, spinster, at Radnor Meeting. Wit: Rees,
Martha, Rees, Jr., Herbert, Richard, Wm., David, John, and Mary
David, Lydia, Samuel, Mary, Eliz., Rees and David Harry.
Evan Harry, "Old Rights", 8 Mo. 2, 1685; also 12 Mo. 18,
Also John Harry, 8 Mo. 16, 1716.
* The above 4 paragraphs noted "Another family" apparently
the author.
3, 5, 1701. Joseph Evans, of Radnor, Chester Co.,
husbandman &
Gwenllian Harry of the same place, at Radnor Meeting House. Wit:
David, Dalilah, Mary and Alice Evans; David, David (2), Lydia and
Margaret Harry.
3, 31, 1716. David Davies, son of Morgan, yeoman, dec'd,
of Merion, and Sarah Dickinson, dau. of Wm. of Plymouth, yeoman,
at Plymouth Meeting House. Wit: Wm., Jonathan, Joshua and Ruth
Dickinson; Margaret Davies; Catharine and Evan Harry.
7, 28, 1727. Rees Philip of Burlington Co. and Mary George
Radnor, at Radnor Meeting. Wit: Rees Thomas; David Harry;
Ormes; Jacob Jenkins.
The will of Evan Harry, Merion was signed July 2, 1748.
in Phila. Sept. 17, 1748. Mentions his mother Anne. Leaves a
to St. David's Church, Radnor. Trustees, John Cuthbert, John
Witnesses, Evan Rees, Thomas Jones, Joseph Williams.
- [S438] Letter from David Fluker (unknown author address) to Walter Wood, 1999; unknown repository (unknown repository address). From: e-mail address on behalf of David Fluker [e-mail address]
Sent: Thursday, August 05, 1999 8:13 PM
To: 'e-mail address'
Subject: Dowling geneology
I enjoyed looking throught the Dowling geneology and seeing alot of names I know. My grandmother was Harriet Dowling. My father has
collected Dowling data. I'll check with him to see if he has anything you are missing. One minor correction in line 18. My mother's maiden
name is misspelled. Harriet Mamie Sue Dowling's son David married Barbara LeVangie. It is listed as LeVanga. I know it is not much of a
problem, but after all, it is my mother. ;-)
Thanks for posting the geneology!
David Fluker. - [S441] Letter from David Fluker (unknown author address) to Walter Wood, 8 Aug 1999; unknown repository (unknown repository address). Hi Walter!
You're right, I did not make the connection when I saw the genealogy. I certainly remember your name, but I must confess I am having a hard time remembering playing together. If you remember something in particular we did, let me know, to trigger my memory.
My parents are fine. They are retired and go between St. Pete and Franklin, NC, spending most of their time in Franklin. They love to travel and usually take a couple of long trips a year. I will see them in couple of weeks and will see if they have any Dowling information you are missing.
I live just outside of Atlanta, in Stone Mountain, but in three weeks we are moving to Decatur, GA. Not very far, but much of my office stuff, including the page of my Dowling ancestors made by my dad, is packed away. But I probably don't have anything you don't already have. I am 42, married and have three daughters ages 16, 13, & 7. I am a computer programmer specializing in Visual FoxPro. I work for Electronic Data Systems and am contracted to the Centers for Disease Control. I saw on your web site that you are a VFP programmer, too. Cool! My brothers, Ed and Steve, live in Orlando. Ed is in respiratory therapy at Florida hospital (He worked for some time at the hospital in Apopka) and Steve is a radio engineer with Cox communication.
I found your genealogy page while doing a search for Fluker on Lycos. I have www.fluker.com and surf the web for Fluker news. There hasn't been much news lately, but I have found several interesting things, like your Dowling genealogy.
Maybe we can get together next time I'm in Florida. It will probably be next year sometime. Ed, Steve, and I and our families usually get together in Orlando for New Year's but not this year. Y2k got in the way of our normal plans. Steve is going to be working that night and I can't be that far away. Oh, well!
Your cousin,
-----Original Message-----
From: Walter Wood [SMTP:e-mail address]
Sent: Thursday, August 05, 1999 8:51 PM
To: e-mail address
Subject: RE: Dowling geneology
Hi David
Not sure if you recognized my name or not but I recognized yours as soon as
it came through in the inbox. We are second cousins and played together in
St Petersburg many years ago when we were kids. I also remember your Dad
and Aunt Carolyn and Uncle Lyman. My mother was Saidee Dowling Wood.
How are you doing? Hope everything is going well with you and your family.
Are your parents still alive?
I would love to get more information on the Dowling's of St. Pete. I
remember most of them but have very little information except for the older
generation. My cousin Richard (Dowling) complied most of the data I have
and he did an excellent job of tracing everything way back but he was never
plugged into the local family.
I am living in Apopka just north of Orlando. I work for Lake County
government in the environmental field as a geologist. Where are you
BTW I corrected the spelling of your Mother's name. It will be updated
next time I upload the web. Also, the web is currently located on three
different sites. CompuServe, Tripod and Time-Warner's Road Runner. I will drop the Tripod site as soon as I get
time. Which site did you visit and how did you find it?
Cousin Walter
Walter Dowling Wood
599 Heather Brite Circle
Apopka FL 32712-4036
(407) 886-7876
-----Original Message-----
From: e-mail address [mailto:e-mail address]
Sent: Thursday, August 05, 1999 8:13 PM
To: 'e-mail address'
Subject: Dowling geneology
I enjoyed looking throught the Dowling geneology and seeing alot of names
I know. My grandmother was Harriet Dowling. My father has collected Dowling
data. I'll check with him to see if he has anything you are missing. One
minor correction in line 18. My mother's maiden name is misspelled. Harriet
Mamie Sue Dowling's son David married Barbara LeVangie. It is listed as
LeVanga. I know it is not much of a problem, but after all, it is my
mother. ;-)
Thanks for posting the geneology!
David Fluker. - [S442] Letter from Miki Fluker (unknown author address) to Walter Wood, 2 June 2003; unknown repository (unknown repository address). From: e-mail address
Sent: Monday, June 02, 2003 3:29 PM
To: e-mail address
Subject: A Dowling from the past
Hi, Walter...I am your second cousin, Miki Ann Fluker Causey. My grandmother was your greataunt, Harriet MamieSue Dowling Fluker.
I really enjoyed your webpage! It gave me lots of Dowling information, although I have quite a bit. When i called my Dad to tell him about you, he said he took you fishing once in Kissimmee (I think). I am sending you a picture. I am the little girl in white (born 1952). Dad says he thinks you are kneeled in front of my mother (who is to the left of me). My Dad is standing in the right hand corner of the picture. Do you have this picture? Daddy knows the names of 1/2 of the adults. Do you know the children?
Let me hear from you.
Your new cousin!
Miki. - [S444] Kim Browning, compiler, "Email Kim Browning 020712"; Ancestral File (12 Jul 2002), unknown repository, unknown repository address. Hereinafter cited as "Email Kim Browning 020712."
- [S445] Millie Emmit, compiler, "EMail Millie Emmitt 030320"; Ancestral File (20 Mar 2003), unknown repository, unknown repository address. Hereinafter cited as "EMail Millie Emmitt 030320."
- [S503] Unknown author, WPA Burial Project in SC (n.p.: n.pub.).
- [S504] Louis F. (Buck) Poole Jr, "Email from Louis F. (Buck) Poole Jr," e-mail message from e-mail address (unknown address) to Walter D. Wood, 30 dec 2005. Hereinafter cited as "Email from Louis F. (Buck) Poole Jr."
- [S505] Marlene Hart Mixson Obituary, The Augusta Chronicle, unknown location, January 29, 2006.
- [S598] MARRIAGE Nagel, Herbert and ZOZ, Julia E. 1924, unknown repository, unknown repository address. Hereinafter cited as MARRIAGE Nagel, Herbert and ZOZ, Julia E. 1924.
- [S599] Irene Weierich ZOZ, State Death Record unknown number (9 Apr 1925), unknown repository, unknown repository address. Hereinafter cited as Death Record - ZOZ, Irene W 1925.
- [S602] Casper Weierich, 7 Jan 1920 Federal Census, unknown repository address, unknown repository.

- [S608] Joseph ZOZ entry, County Birth Recors (7 Sep 1896), unknown repository, unknown repository address.

- [S614] Ron Zoz, "ZOZ, Ron Website & Groupsheets", 4 Sep 2012 (77 Seminary St. Greenwich, OH 44837). Unknown comments. Hereinafter cited as "ZOZ, Ron Website & Groupsheets."
- [S627] "Military Record, Zoz, Joseph F 1917-1920"; unknown repository; unknown repository address. Hereinafter cited as "Military Record, Zoz, Joseph F 1917-1920."

- [S628] Divorce Record Zoz, Raymond J & Madelyn 1989, unknown repository, unknown repository address, Hereinafter cited as Divorce Record Zoz, Raymond J & Madelyn 1989.
- [S630] Margaret Zoz, 4 Apr 1910 Federal Census, unknown repository address, unknown repository.

- [S695] Wm Barkley and Joseph Barkley, 12 Nov 1850 Federal Census, unknown repository address, unknown repository.

- [S769] Obituary - FLUKER, Edward Hawthorne Jr Jan 20 2014, Obituary - FLUKER, Edward Hawthorne Jr Jan 20 2014, Macon Georgia, 22 Jan 2014. Hereinafter cited as The Telegraph, Macon GA.
- [S776] Unknown author, Find A Grave (findagrave.com: n.pub.).
- [S777] Unknown subject, FLUKER, Edward H Sr WW1 Draft Registration (n.p.: n.pub.). Hereinafter cited as FLUKER, Edward H Sr WW1 Draft Registration.

- [S778] Marriage - Fluker, David T and LeVangie, Barbara L St. Petersburg, FL 10 Oct 1950, unknown repository, unknown repository address. Hereinafter cited as Marriage - Fluker, David T and LeVangie, Barbara.

- [S779]
Florida Marriage Collection, 1822-1875 and 1927-2001 about Edward Hawthorne Fluker Jr
and Donnie J Goddard, unknown repository, unknown repository address. Hereinafter cited as Marriage Record - Fluker, Ed Jr + Goddard Donnie J. - [S893] Albert Gustave ZOZ, WW1 Draft Registration ZOZ, Albert G 1918912, Registration State: Tennessee; Registration County: Hamilton; Roll: 1852926; Draft Board: 1 (n.p.: Ancestry.com. U.S., World War I Draft Registration Cards, 1917-1918 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Ancestry.com Operations Inc, 2005). Hereinafter cited as WW1 Draft Registration ZOZ, Albert G 1918912.

- [S895] City Directory 1879 OH Cincinnati ZOZ (n.p.: n.pub., 1879). Hereinafter cited as City Directory 1879 OH Cincinnati ZOZ.

- [S897] Macon Telegraph, Obituary - Fluker, Joan Goddard 1928-2015, Macon Gorigia, 22-24 Jul 2015. Hereinafter cited as Joan Goddard Fluker (1928 - 2015).
- [S953] Billion Graves, online https://billiongraves.com/. Hereinafter cited as Billion Graves.
- [S966] Marriage Record - JACOB, Marie & TEGGE, Joseph W 1916, unknown repository, unknown repository address. Hereinafter cited as Marriage Record - JACOB, Marie & TEGGE, Joseph.
- [S1018] Charles Joseph ERNST, unknown file number, Social Security Application & Claims ERNST, Charles Joseph, unknown series (U.S., Social Security Applications and Claims Index, 1936-2007 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Ancestry.com Operations, Inc., 2015: US Social Security, Oct 1942). Name: Charles Joseph Ernst
[Charles J Ernst]
SSN: 294200946
Gender: Male
Race: White
Birth Date: 21 Mar 1928
Birth Place: Cincinnati H, Ohio
Death Date: 3 Oct 1992
Father: Alfred J Ernst
Mother: Esther J Bennett
Type of Claim: Original SSN.
Notes: Oct 1942: Name listed as CHARLES JOSEPH ERNST; 09 Oct 1992: Name listed as CHARLES J ERNST. Hereinafter cited as Social Security - ERNST, Charles J. - [S1019] Eileen, L JUNG, Ohio Deaths 032621 (8 May 1976), unknown repository, unknown repository address. Hereinafter cited as Death Record - JUNG, Eileen L (Ernst) 1976.
- [S1020] City Directory Hamilton, Butler Co, OH 1960 ERNST (Cincinnati, Ohio: Williams Directory Co, 1960). Hereinafter cited as City Directory Hamilton, Butler Co, OH 1960 ERNST.

- [S1021] Alfred Regis ERNST, Ohio BIrth Registration Case No. 10214 (18g 1952), unknown repository, unknown repository address.

- [S1022] Alfred John ERNST, 15 Apr 1940 Federal Census, unknown repository address, Enumeration District : 9-3; Description: FAIRFIELD TOWNSHIP OUTSIDE HAMILTON CITY S AND W OF STATE HIGHWAY 43, unknown repository United States of America, Bureau of the Census. Sixteenth Census of the United States, 1940. Washington, D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, 1940. T627, 4,643 rolls.

- [S1024] Ohio, County Marriages, 1774-1993 [database on-line]. Lehi, UT, USA: Ancestry.com Operations, Inc., 2016., unknown repository, unknown repository address. Hereinafter cited as Ohio Marriages.
- [S1038] MARRIAGE RECORD ZOZ, Raymond J & ROOKS, Beulah 1953 Cincinnati, unknown repository, unknown repository address. Hereinafter cited as MARRIAGE RECORD ZOZ, Raymond J & ROOKS, Beulah 1953 Cincinnati.

- [S1050] Marriage Certificate - DAVIS, John & BENNETT, Effie 1896 KY, unknown repository, unknown repository address. Hereinafter cited as Marriage Certificate - DAVIS & BENNETT.

- [S1059] Margaret ZOZ entry, Death Certificate - Zoz, Margaret (BETZ) 1851-1939, unknown repository, unknown repository address. Hereinafter cited as Death Certificate - Zoz, Margaret (BETZ) 1851-1939.

- [S1060] Barbara C (ZOZ) KALLMEYER, KY Death Certificate unknown number (26 Feb 1961), unknown repository, unknown repository address. Hereinafter cited as Death Cetificate - KALLMEYER, Barbara C (ZOZ) 1879-1961.

- [S1061] Obituary - PRICE, Audrey L (GATES), Obituary - PRICE, Audrey L (GATES) 1925-2017, http://plaindealer-sun.com/main.asp, 27 Dec 2017. Hereinafter cited as In loving memory of Audrey L Price.
- [S1062] Lewis Sean PRICE, Death Certificate Indiana 058612 (8 Oct 2010), unknown repository, unknown repository address. Hereinafter cited as Death Ceritifcate - PRICE, Lewis Sean.

- [S1095] Richard Hamilton DOWLING, Penn. Death Certificate 22947 (21 Nov 1936), unknown repository, unknown repository address. Hereinafter cited as Death Cert. Richard H DOWLING.

- [S1100] Unknown article title, United States, GenealogyBank Obituaries, 1980-2014, unknown location. Hereinafter cited as United States, GenealogyBank Obituaries, 1980-2014.
- [S1117] Marriage Records of Clermont County, Ohio 1800 - 1850, unknown repository, unknown repository address. Hereinafter cited as Marriage Records Clermont Co OH 1800-1850.
- [S1126] Unknown name of person, Stare of Ohio Death Records unknown number, unknown repository, unknown repository address. Hereinafter cited as Ohio Deaths, 1959-2012.
- [S1157] Divorce - ZOZ, Ray & Burt, Marie 1952, unknown repository, unknown repository address, Hereinafter cited as Divorce - ZOZ, Ray & Burt, Marie 1952.

- [S1161] Unknown name of person Cemetery Records, unknown repository, unknown repository address; unknown reader.
- [S1224] Unknown household, 1850 Federal Census, unknown repository address, unknown repository.
- [S1252] Obituary for Rosena Dowling, Obituary - Dowling, Rosena age 83 died 2 Aug 1974 in St Petersburn Floirda, artucle in St. Petersburg Times 4 Aug page 47, St Petersburg Florida, 4 Aug 1974, 47. Hereinafter cited as St Petersburg TImes Obituary.
- [S1278] Unknown agency, Ohio, County Marriages, 1789-2016 (n.p.: n.pub.). Hereinafter cited as Ohio, County Marriages, 1789-2016.