Petrus Heldberg1,2

Last Edited17 Apr 2013


  1. Not sure of surname.
  2. [S743] Cathy Melzak, 2010.

Thersia De Wetter1

Last Edited6 Apr 2013


  1. [S743] Cathy Melzak, 2010.

James Edward Jacobs1

Father*Marvin Walter Jacobs1 b. 31 Mar 1934, d. 16 Jan 1979
Mother*Joanne L. Topping1
Last Edited17 Apr 2013


  1. [S743] Cathy Melzak, 2010.

Cathy Jo Jacobs1

F, b. 29 September 1955, d. 3 March 1989
Father*Marvin Walter Jacobs1 b. 31 Mar 1934, d. 16 Jan 1979
Mother*Joanne L. Topping1

Family 2

John DeVere Harrison
     Cathy Jo Jacobs was born on 29 September 1955 at El Paso, El Paso, Texas, USA.1 She died on 3 March 1989 at Pembroke Pines, Broward, Florida, USA, at age 33.1
     Her married name was Thomas.1 As of 6 September 1980,her married name was Beck.1
Last Edited7 Apr 2013


  1. [S743] Cathy Melzak, 2010.

Richard Allen Jacobs1

M, b. 8 November 1956, d. 27 May 2008
Father*Marvin Walter Jacobs1 b. 31 Mar 1934, d. 16 Jan 1979
Mother*Joanne L. Topping1

Family 2

Cheri L. Ferrari b. 1931
     Richard Allen Jacobs was born on 8 November 1956 at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Dayton, Montgomery, Ohio, USA.1 He married Cheri L. Ferrari in 1988 at Connecticut, USA.1 Richard Allen Jacobs died on 27 May 2008 at Higganum, Middlesex, Connecticut, USA, at age 51.1
     He Lived in Chester, Connecticut.

No children-No issue.

Richard A. Jacobs died of an accidental drug overdose. He was founddead May 27, 2008 in his veterinarian office in Chester, Connecticut.Police found Richard slumped over his desk in his office Tuesdaymorning when employees noticed something wasn't right. Richard A.Jacobs

JACOBS, Richard A. Richard A. Jacobs, 51, of Chester, diedunexpectedly on Tuesday (May 27, 2008). Born in Dayton, OH, son ofJoanne L. (Zattau) Norris of Ohio and the late Marvin Jacobs. Husbandof Cheri L. Ferrari of Chester. Rick was a 1983 graduate of Ohio StateUniv. and The College of Veterinary Medicine at Ohio State Univ. in1986. He had been a Veterinarian for the past 22 years, opening theHigganum Veterinary Clinic 14 years ago. Rick was also a member of theAmerican Veterinary Medicine Assoc. (AVMA). In addition to his wifeand mother he is survived by his siblings: James, Bill, ElizabethShandels, Laura, Wendy, Elizabeth Norris; as well as many uncles,aunts, nieces , nephews and cousins. Rick was predeceased by hissister Kathy. Funeral services will be private. In lieu of flowers, acontribution to a favorite animal charity would be appreciated.Arrangements by Robinson, Wright & Weymer Funeral Home, Centerbrook.
Correction by me, Cathy Melzak-James is his half brother whose mom isJoanne; Bill and Elizabeth Norris are half siblings whose mom isJoanne; Elizabeth Shandles, Laura, and Wendy are Jacobs whose mom isBetty Gipson Jacobs and are half siblings to Richard. Kathy isspelled wrong, her correct full first name is Cathy and her dad isMarvin 'Jake' Jacobs and her mom is Joanne. Cathy is the only fullsibling of Richard A. Jacobs. Cathy Jo Jacbos died in Pembroke Pines,Florida of a seizure which she was prone to since she was 15.

Published in the Hartford Courant on 5/30/2008.

Rick Jacobs
Went by his step dad's name of Norris when in late teens and at thetime of his marriage to Victoria Lynn Riley. Changed his surname backto Jacobs and now goes by Jacobs.

Rick has no children unless one considers his animals to be his kids.

32 DEEP HOLLOW RD Map It Recorded: 04/07/2004 RICHARD A JACOBSbusiness listings CHESTER, CT 06412 (860) 526-1048

Jacobs, Richard A DVM - Higganum Veterinary Clinic
(860) 345-3366
92 Saybrook Rd, Higganum, CT 06441

by Liz
Richard was my brother and although we did not always see eye to eyereading these posts allows me to view him in a perspective I wish Iwould have seen in the past. During this time your words bring a bitof comfort to both my mother and I. Thank you all for taking the timeto right such wonderful things about him and his office. I know he isnow with my sister and they are in a better place. Richard I'll loveyou always, you sister Elizabeth.

K - 05/28/08
Hi Liz, we're all trying to figure out what happened but it's stillnot publicized yet. We are so sorry for your loss. He will be missed.
Marcy C - 05/28/08
Liz, The work - actually - it was more like magic - that your brotherwas able to do for our cats was more than incredible. Although we hadonly recently switched to him as our vet, all the time we spent withhim was time we would love to capture over and over again. Rick was abrilliant man and a wonder to all he treated. We, too, dislike the'not knowing' and our thoughts and prayers are with his family - you,his mom, and most definitely to the staff at the clinic.

Richard A. Jacobs
JACOBS, Richard A. Richard A. Jacobs, 51, of Chester, diedunexpectedly on Tuesday (May 27, 2008). Born in Dayton, OH, son ofJoanne L. (Zattau) Norris of Ohio and the late Marvin Jacobs. Husbandof Cheri L. Ferrari of Chester. Rick was a 1983 graduate of Ohio StateUniv. and The College of Veterinary Medicine at Ohio State Univ. in1986. He had been a Veterinarian for the past 22 years, opening theHigganum Veterinary Clinic 14 years ago. Rick was also a member of theAmerican Veterinary Medicine Assoc. (AVMA). In addition to his wifeand mother he is survived by his siblings: James, Bill, ElizabethShandels, Laura, Wendy, Elizabeth Norris; as well as many uncles,aunts, nieces , nephews and cousins. Rick was predeceased by hissister Kathy. Funeral services will be private. In lieu of flowers, acontribution to a favorite animal charity would be appreciated.Arrangements by Robinson, Wright & Weymer Funeral Home, Centerbrook.
Published in the Hartford Courant on 5/30/2008. He was found dead onMay 27, 2008. Died May 24, 2008 probably early Saturday morning.Possibly late Friday night on May 23.

Guest Book for
Richard A. Jacobs

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May 31, 2008
To Cheri and the wonderful staff of Higganum Veterinary Clinic,
I am hearbroken - Dr. Jacobs was so special. I think we all share thesame stories of his extrordinary talent and compassion for his work.When another vet had no diagnosis for my Murphy, Dr. Jacobsmiraculously came up with one that gave him two extra years of life.He has watched over Victoria for the past eight years and on our lastvisit this spring was so happy that she had lost a whole pound! Hewould just hold my little yorkie and talk to her before each exam - Idon't think she ever realized she was at the 'vet'. I laugh now, as Iremember him always wanting to talk about cars with me. Each visit Iwould tell him that I just drive VW's, I don't know a thing about themechanics of them! I will miss him dearly and my thoughts and prayersare with his family and all of us whose hearts he has so wonderfullytouched over the years. I hope he knows how grateful I am for the careand love he gave my babies.
Lori Langan (Haddam, CT)

May 30, 2008
Dr. Jacobs cared for my 20 year old cat Beauty, trying everything hecould to save her. He even took her into his home where he and Cheriwatched over her. I know Beauty was surrounded by love in her lastdays. I can't express the grief I feel at the passing of this giftedcompassionate man.
Cornelia Chapin (Hadlyme, CT)
May 30, 2008
Our heartfelt sympathies go out to Dr. Jacobs' family, friends andco-workers in this difficult time.
Candace, Daniel, Armand, Jordan, Jackie, Harley, Nukey & RemyLamoureux (Higganum, CT)

May 30, 2008
Our deepest sympathies go out to the Jacobs family and the staff ofthe Higganum Veternary Clinic.
Dr. Jacobs was an compassionate and caring man, an excellent vet andwe will sorely miss him. God Bless.

Doyle and Joan Malone and 'Clyde'
Joan Malone (Higganum, CT)
May 30, 2008
Dr. Jacobs was wonderful, down to earth, loved animals and the scienceof healing them. He will certainly be missed by our family and pets.Our prayers to his family for their loss.
The Jenkins Family (Colchester, CT)
May 30, 2008
What a tragic loss of a kind, gentle and compassionate man. Wordscannot describe how grateful I will always be to Dr. Jacobs for hisexpertise and quality of care for my cat, Morgan, with the majorsurgery he performed. He went beyond my expectations and gave me hiscell phone number in case I needed him. I will never forget that. Myheart goes out to Cheri and his family.
Joanne Liljedahl (Middletown, CT)

May 30, 2008
Our thoughts and prayers are with you at this difficult time. Dr.Jacobs has touched so many with his incredible talents and I know thatours is only one of many of the miracles that he performed every day.I thank God that he came into our lives when he did. He will be deeplymissed and forever in our hearts.
Tammy, Roxie and Merlin Corbin (Vernon, CT)
May 30, 2008
Dr.Jacobs was a wonderful, intelligent Doctor. He took good care of myfamilies dog and cat. He took that extra step in caring for ouranimals and made sure our animals were well and safe.
He was informative, had patience with me in answering my questionsabout our cat and dog. He was a wonderful person that we will miss..
God bless the family of Dr. Jacobs and our deepest sympathy to all ofyou.
Star(dog), Tigger(cat), Janet,Bob, Ethan and Michael Bower
Janet & Bob Bower (Haddam, CT)
May 30, 2008
I am deeply saddened by the passing of Dr. Jacobs. My prayers go tohis family and staff. I have many stories as well, about how he wentabove and beyond to help my pets. He is irreplaceable. His staffraised the bar in excellence. To the Higganum Vet clinic, pleaseaccept my humble thanks for all your work throughout these years.
Amy K. (Chester, CT)
May 30, 2008
Rick was a brilliant man, and a dear friend. Cheri, I'll never forgetthe guidance, caring and thoughfulness that you and Rick showed ourfamily over the years.
Toni Myers (Moodus, CT)

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May 30, 2008
My condolences to Sherry and the whole Jacobs family and to the staffat the Higganum Vet. Clinic. Not since the days of Dr. Bitgood inMiddletown, have I met a vet who was a real saver of animals. Hediagnosed my cat Oliver with an allergy after years of sufferingbecause of a wrong DX by other vets. He did not give up on Oliver whenhe contacted a rare virus and none of us thought we would make it. Hisintuition saved Oliver's life. His ability to recognize and treat aheart problem in Oliver is still keeping him going strong.

Sue and, of course, Oliver and Maggie
Sue Cipriani (Middletown, CT)

May 30, 2008
My Husband and I are sadden to hear of the loss of Dr. Jacobs. He wasbrilliant with animals. Our dog Toby just loved to go to see him. Ibelieve that he was a real life Dr. Doolittle, talking to the animals.

We are going to miss Dr. Jacobs. There will never be another like him.
Donna and Doug Downey (Higganum, CT)
May 30, 2008
Dearest Cheri and Family. Never can I say thank you enough for all thewonderous things this man did for my animals over the years. He was awonderful teacher and mentor.
May all the animals that he cared for so much meet him at the rainbowbridge and comfort him for eternity.
We pray for all, a hand to hold, a shoulder to cry upon and thecomfort of friends and family.
Lab Rescue CT (Higganum, CT)
May 30, 2008
may his wonderful spirit, wisdom, and courage and soul living on. Hislove and decication for the animals is uncanny. I'll never ever forgetyou Dr. Jacobs you gave my wonderful animal a second chance in lifewithout you she would have never ever lived passed 11 yrs old. Thanksfor everything. You will be very well missed. RIP Higganum hasoffically lost a legandary icon.
Sarah Ryon (Haddam, CT)

May 30, 2008
Rick Jacobs was one of the most truly original human beings I've everknown--a genuine genius. His compassion for our animals, and for us,was utterly unbounded, and his medical brilliance saved the life ofseveral of our beloved pets, most notably, our rescued greyhound whocame to love Rick as one of his pack. To know Rick for one hour was tobecome a changed and better person. To know him for 10 years, as wedid, was nothing short of an unfolding discovery of the fully livedlife. Rick Jacobs is one of the utter irreplaceables: what we havelost in losing him is incalculable. Even in my deepest grief for hisdeath, I can hear his wonderfully acute voice reminding me to payattention to each day, to celebrate what is happening now. The worldhas lost a force of Nature in Rick, yet we must celebrate his life ofbeautiful resilience, sheer determination, and brilliance of thehighest order. Rick's legacy of rational scientific inquiry,intellectual and imaginative passion, and profound respect for allliving creatures will be carried into the future by all those whorecognized just how entire a human being he was--and loved him for it.Thank you, Rick, for being so patient with us, for tending our petsand us as lovingly as you tended your wondrous discoveries of living.
Prof. A. Burack (Higganum, CT)

May 30, 2008
The thoughts of many are with you today. All things that walk,hop, flyand slide have lost a great friend and protector. God shine kindlyhere,wind blow softly here. Good nite dear heart-We will miss you. Becalm and you will hear your loved ones speak,by the bark of a dog, thecry of a cat, and the wind from a wing. Kalib, Skittles, Tiger & BenMischke
Marleen & George & Carolyn Mischke, Mauro (Higganum, CT)

May 30, 2008

May 30, 2008
Cheri & Family, I am so sorry for your loss. I know how difficult thisis for you, and I want you to know that I truly mean it when i say Iam hear if you need anything. You & Dr Jacobs and the rest of us girlswere a family at the clinic, and I am so heartbroken to see thishappen. You are in my thoughts.
Katie Vanadestine (Higganum, CT)

May 30, 2008
Dr. Jacobs will be missed so much. Our prayers are with the wholeHigganum vet staff and family at this time
Debbie, Whiskers Estelle (Middletown, CT)

May 30, 2008
I will miss Rick very much, for I have looked up to him the past 20yrs as a men of much knowlewdge. I always new he cared and he took thebest possible care of my loving pets.
I will miss him dearly, and always remember him, for he is at peacenow and we will always love him and he will know that.

With great sympathy, Pat & Mark Carlson & Hannah
Pat Carlson (Higganum, CT)

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May 30, 2008
You are in my thoughts and prayers.
Judy MacKinney (Oro Valley, AZ)

May 30, 2008
I've been thinking about Dr. Jacobs all week and cannot believe such agifted and very special man is gone. He was so beyond any otherveteranarian I had ever taken my animals to -- an exceptional vet witha true gift to accurately diagnose and treat a problem. He saved mylittle cat's life with his diagnosis -- something that another vetnever even caught. He was such a lively, engaging, funny guy --friendly and always sharing some interesting anecdote or story. He hada terrific staff who were so helpful and friendly. The clinic was likea big family and I was so happy to have found him -- I knew he wouldhelp me give my cat a long and healthy life. He was someone who made abig impression; I will never forget him. Although I understand it willbe private, I wish I could attend the service to show just how much hemeant and to honor his life. He was a memorable, gifted and uniquelyintelligent guy -- I thought of him as an eccentric genious of a vetand while my cat may not have appreciated the frequent visits, Ialways enjoyed and appreciated any time spent with Dr. Jacobs and hisstaff.
Kate Oliver (Higganum, CT)
May 30, 2008
Heartfelt sympathies to the entire Jacobs families. Dr. Jacobs tookgood care of our Sheltie and we always enjoyed seeing him drivingaround in his trademark Red Convertible sportscar. We are so sorry foryour loss.
Jody and Eric Bogdan (Haddam, CT)
May 30, 2008
My condolences on your loss. Dr. Jacobs was a wonderful vet to all ofmy pets over the years.
Marcie Clark (Portland, CT)

May 30, 2008
Dr. Jacobs was a great man. He did his job with compassion. Mydaughter wants to become a vet because of of him and we will greatlymiss him. He has saved my cats life more than once and I will neverforget him. Rest in Peace..with love The Kirkby Family
Donna Kirkby (Higganum, CT)

May 30, 2008
My thoughts, prayers and sympathy to Dr. Jacobs' family, friends andhis incredible staff at Higganum Vet Clinic. He was a one of a kindindividual and a remarkably talented and healing vet. He was a lifegiver to our animals even during our short time with the clinic. Iwill miss our conversations about his surgeries and latestdiscoveries. Peace to his spirit.
Barbara Mase (New Britain, CT)

May 30, 2008
Very sorry to hear about Rick. He was a brilliant man and a friend toall animals.He will be greatly missed.
Brian St Peter (Haddam, CT)

May 30, 2008
I am so sorry for your loss. It feels like our loss too. We will missRichard so much.
Debbie, Whiskers Estelle (Middletown, CT)

by Liz
Richard was my brother and although we did not always see eye to eyereading these posts allows me to view him in a perspective I wish Iwould have seen in the past. During this time your words bring a bitof comfort to both my mother and I. Thank you all for taking the timeto right such wonderful things about him and his office. I know he isnow with our sister and they are in a better place. Richard I'll loveyou always, your sister Elizabeth Norris 5/28/2008

For everyone that has written such wonderful things about my brother,again my thanks. You all and your pets were his family and what hetruly loved. Richard and I are 23 years apart in age and unfortunatelynever had the opportunity to really get to know one another but I knowhe loved what he did and all of you. Even with such an age difference,growing up in a small town as we did, it never failed that at leastone school teacher I had also taught Rick and had some wonderful storyto tell about his love for science and animals (Richard, you singlehandedly saved my butt in every one of Mr. Fishers science courses! Ireally think he hoped that someday I'd come around and it would allclick) Hearing your stories about his intelligence, care and concernfor your pets take me back to that place and time where my olderbrother was untouchable and an absolute genius. As a child I alwaysthought of him in that way but with getting older we had driftedapart. Thanks to you all he is what he always was to me and I justwish I would have remembered that sooner.

For those who worked with Richard in his office, you all were part ofhis family. He was a stubborn man but underneath it all I trulybelieve he meant no harm. I hate to say this but your bond was thickerthan any we had. Circumstances as they are you may not be bloodrelatives but you knew him, helped him and loved him more than I wasever able to. Thank you and I am so sorry for your loss.
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Comments (6)
K - 05/28/08
Hi Liz, we're all trying to figure out what happened but it's stillnot publicized yet. We are so sorry for your loss. He will be missed.
Marcy C - 05/28/08
Liz, The work - actually - it was more like magic - that your brotherwas able to do for our cats was more than incredible. Although we hadonly recently switched to him as our vet, all the time we spent withhim was time we would love to capture over and over again. Rick was abrilliant man and a wonder to all he treated. We, too, dislike the'not knowing' and our thoughts and prayers are with his family - you,his mom, and most definitely to the staff at the clinic.
Alix - 05/28/08
Elizabeth: My mother and I are utterly heart-broken for you and yourmother--it is simply unfathomable to us that he is gone. Rick was ourvet and friend for 10 years. Yes, he was an absolute genius, therarest of the rare who was capable of incomparable scientificdiscovery, limitless creativity, and a genuine compassion for allcreatures. He saved the life of our beloved greyhound, and taught ussomething about the fully engaged life each time we saw each other.His work, and life, were utter triumphs, and he was one of the trulyirreplaceable human beings.
Jeeve's Dad - 05/28/08
Liz, I am so sorry for your - and our - loss. Rick had been our vetsince we moved to Higganum, some 12+ years ago. He saved the life ofone of our cats (who from that day on was the only one I have ever hadwho LIKED going to the Vet's) and was incredibly consoling to ourfamily when we lost three others over the years. However, my personalmemories will always be of vists that somehow went too long as Rickand I would somehow get into recounting Monty Python sketches anddiscussing music and cars - passions for us both. Our heartfeltcondolences for your family. If at all possible, please let me knowwhen (or if) visiting hours and/or services are held so that we canrepay some small measure of the kindness he had shown us over theyears... Bill S.
Lori - 05/29/08
To Liz and the wonderful staff of Higganum Veterinary Clinic, I can'tagree more than I do with the comments of Alix. Dr. Jacobs was sospecial - he saved my Murhpy and has watched over my little Victoriafor the past eight years. I just can't imagine taking her to anothervet. Although I only saw him a couple times each year he made me feellike a friend and I looked forward to our chats about VW's or whateverelse was going on. He would just hold my little yorkie and talk to herbefore each exam - I don't think she ever realized she was at the'vet'. I will miss him dearly and my thoughts and prayers are with hisfamily and all of us whose hearts he has so wonderfully touched overthe years. I hope he knows how grateful I am for the care and love hegave my babies.
Jeromy R - 05/30/08
Your brother was a wonderful man who helped so many people and so manypets. I loved being in the presence of his brilliance. All of us atGuppies to Puppies are sorry for your loss. He will be remembered as ahero to us and so many others in the community.

by Jeromy R
What a sad day for me as I entered the store and was told about thisloss. Dr. Jacobs was so smart, gentle, and kind. He helped us so manytimes over the years working with our exotic animals. Even when I wasbrining a sick animal to the clinic, which normally would be a sadevent, I was excited knowing that I was going to learn something new.He shared our passion for animals and will truly be missed by all ofus. May you rest in peace my friend.

Jeromy Reynolds
Guppies to Puppies
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Comments (2)
Betty Jacobs Matson - 05/31/08
Hello, It seems Rick had two sisters by the name of Elizabeth. I amwriting this note on behalf of his sister Elizabeth that lives inFlorida. Rick and his sister Elizabeth have a special bond that only abrother and sister can have. Eliabeth is in terrible despair andmourning deeply for her dear brother. Elizabeth and Rick have spentmany hours together and have enjoyed a unique closeness even thoughthey lived miles apart. They celebrated Rick's 50th Birthday in NewYork at the Metropolitan Opera in October. They talked for hours onend, even last week when they talked for 6 hours straight and stillhad more to say to each other. Elizabeth wanted to thank everyone fortheir concern and kind workds on Rick's work and his love for all hispatients.
Alix - 05/31/08
Betty: To try to comfort Rick's sister Elizabeth in Florida, I'dappreciate it if you would pass along the following message to her.Dear Elizabeth, Our family is grieving profoundly, too, for the lossof Rick, and we send you our heart-felt sympathy. It was my mother whoinitially invited Rick to the Metropolitan Opera, and I know how muchhe enjoyed the many wonderful trips to NY City he took with my motherand her opera friends. In fact, it was just in early May that Rick sawMozart's Abduction from the Seraglio with my mother, and all the wayhome he couldn't stop talking about the absolute beauty of the music.He spoke of you with great affection quite often with my mother andme, and it was clear how much getting to spend time with you meant tohim. My mother and I are in tremendous grief over Rick's death, as wehad become very close and had shared our mutual loves of music,gardening, and food with him for these last 10 years. It isdevastating to realize that his brilliant work in science and medicinehas been prematurely halted, as I know he had made several recentdiscoveries that he was putting into practice with many of his animalpatients, all to highly positive effects. Without Rick and histireless dedication to solving medical mysteries, we would never havebeen able to have celebrated our greyhound's 10th birthday in earlyApril. Rick--virtually on his extraordinary intuition alone--diagnosedtwo extremely rare autoimmune conditions in our dog, and was able tobegin the precisely correct treatment even before the results of thespecial tests were in. Recently, our dog had developed cancer and Rickwas able to do successful surgery to remove the tumors. He always saidour greyhound was one of his most difficult cases, and despite thefrustrations that came with rare syndromes, Rick never lessened hisfocus, problem-solving skills, or amazing compassion for our belovedpet and us. In fact, our dog is still with us, romping around andhappy despite his illnesses--all because Rick was determined to savehim and give him an excellent quality of life, no matter how mucheffort it took. Rick had only just last week done a small surgery onour greyhound to take care of two badly damaged nails. We will neverforget our last interaction with him--outside on a breezy lateafternoon, Rick assuring us that our dog would recover very quickly,and then gently lifting him into our van and telling him 'such a goodboy.' We chatted for a moment about an article we'd all read, and thenI reached out my hand to thank him for working wonders for our dog yetagain. He shook my hand and seemed very touched by my gesture, whichwas such a small one in the face of Rick's 10 years of extraordinarycompassion and care given to our many beloved animal companions.Please know that our experience is just one example out of what mustbe literally thousands--there are countless people who could recountsimilar stories of Rick's life-saving heroics, as well as tales of thedaily wit, intellectual challenge, and boundless compassion that Rickexpressed to all who came into his practice. My mother and I know howextremely fortunate we were to have had Rick as a close friend as wellas a consummate veterinarian. In our rage at how unfair it is that hewas taken from his beautiful, important, and resilient life--and fromall who truly loved him--we also realize that to genuinely honor hisprofound impact on our lives, we must celebrate the sheer vital forceof living that Rick Jacobs was. In an age despoiled with falsecelebrity, Rick was a truly original and great man. Those whorecognized this will continue to speak his name, to call out to allwho will hear that it is right and just for the works and lives oftrue heroes like Rick to be written about, talked about, reflectedupon, celebrated, and ultimately, to be deeply grateful for. Our loveand deep compassion is with you, Elizabeth

by Kate
Dr. Jacobs was incredible and truly gifted. This is a huge loss.Please let us know what we can do to honor his life. He truly made apositive difference in the world. I am so deeply saddened by this. Hewas one of a kind -- and as another reviewer said, he did have a kindof 'magic' about him. I trusted him absolutely with my beloved cat,and I credit him with saving her life.

by Barbara M
Dr. Jacobs was an incredible person and a marvelous vet. He brought somuch healing and hope to our animals. He will be sorely missed andwill never be replaced in the lives of his clients and animals. Peaceto his spirit.
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Comments (2)
Katie - 05/28/08
Hi there - this is Katie. I want to thank you all for you kind words.I was composed yesterday when everything took place, but had my meltdown today. Dr. Jacobs truly had a good heart, and an amazing gift,and I will never let anyone under estimate how truly intelligent hetruly was. I cant tell you that funeral arrangements are being made byhis wife, and as soon as I know when and where services will be held iwill surely let you know. I want to thank those clients as well whocalled yesterday and were so kind to me on the phone when i was unableto provide anyone with information. Thank you for offering your help,and Dr. Jacobs truly loved each and every single one of his patients,and I am so sorry to say that he is gone. -Katie
Barbara M - 05/28/08
Katie Barb and Marcy here...please let us know if there is anything wecan do for you all...It is an incredible timenow with unimaginablesorrow, grief and loss. Dr. Jacobs did miracles for BG and Theo andfor that we will ever be grateful. We will miss him and his humor andwisdom. You all have meant so much to us during these last's like family...and so we all griev together...with youand separately. No one will ever replace Dr. Jacobs....he indeed wasone of a kind...and we are so grateful and our kitties are so gratefulto have been part of his life. Barb and Marcy (New Britain)
Comment on Review

by Carm and Steve
today (10/18/07) was our first visit at this clinic. it is a very nicefacility, nice area, clean, bright offices and a very friendly staff.Dr. Jacobs treated our pet cockatoo, bianco. Dr. Jacobs took extratime to teach us how to deal with the behavior problems of our pet andhow to correct them, suggested a different diet, and basically, gaveus a lesson in how to take care of this bird which we've had for fiveyears. he was right on the mark with alot of the things going on withthe bird, and we felt we learned so much after leaving his office. welook forward to visting this facility again, and are consideringbringing our cats and dog here, as we really felt very satisfied withthe information we learned, and care that our pet received. werecommend this vet to all.

by Kyrissaean
Best. Vet. Ever.: This vet is amazing. I wouldn't take my animals toanyone else. He's dead on with diagnosis, and my iguana loves him.

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by a Yahoo! Local User
The most considerate and accurate Vet I have met.: He is very goodwith his diagnosis - and gives excelent and round the clock care to ananimal that is in dire need of it and also knows when to just givebasic care when an animal is not in critical condition. Who else wouldsee me at 4 in the morning at his home when I have a critically illdog that need to be helped. I cannot say enough about the type of caremy animals get at his clinic and by him. He is very knoligible andvery good at diagnosis - He diagnosed my AD dog with only 2 majortests. He also know how to handle me as a client. The clinic is cleanand efficient. His technicians are also very helpful and know whatthey are doing. They have taught me to give my dog his monthly shots.And are very supportive when I have questions.
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by a Yahoo! Local User
Dr Jacobs and his staff are the best.: I have nothing but GOOD to sayabout Dr Jacobs and his staff. They are the most wonderful people inthe world. When I moved I thought I might have to find someone elsebut I decided I would rather travel over 40 minutes and keep him thenfind someone else close by. I love him and his staff but moreimportantly my family love them.

Your the best, Caryl,
Deter, Snow (may she rest in peace), (dogs)
Smoke, Wink, Maui, Tucker, Austin, Dallas, Farmer, (Cats)
Kaulia (Bunny)

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June 1, 2008
To Dr. Jacobs Family and Staff at Higganum Vet, We are very sorry tohear of your loss. Dr. Jacobs did amazing work and was completelydedicated to his profession. We were lucky to come across a doctor whohad his expertise and knowledge. We have one dog, two cats, all butone with health issues. Dr. Jacobs treated all his patients as if theywere his own pets. He will be greatly missed. God Bless
Jennifer, Peter, Declan, Liam, Agador, Artimus & Angus Christopher
Jennifer Christopher (Higganum, CT)

May 31, 2008
My deepest sympathies to his wife and family. I was a highschoolclassmate if Rick's and can tell you that even then, he was one of thebrightest and funniest people I knew. I have read many posts of what awonderful vet he was and the impact he had on many lives. It iswonderful to see that he was so successful in the way that it reallycounts, the impact on people's lives and the example you set.
Wayne Nault (Oregon, OH)

May 31, 2008
Please accept my deepest sympathies.
Orlie Stahl (Monclova, OH)
May 31, 2008
Our deepest condolences to Dr. Jacobs' family and staff. We are sosorry to lose someone who has done so much for so many families. Wehave known Dr. Jacobs for several years now and have found him to beone of the most fascinating and intelligent people around. Justrecently we came to see him and he took such care of our pets and ourfamily - he's been in our thoughts and we've been sharing our praiseswith everyone we know. I only hope that everyone continues sharingtheir memories of Dr. Jacobs. He will be deeply missed by those peopleand animals that have been fortunate to have known him.
Karin and Scott Staschke (Higganum, CT)
May 31, 2008
The Prowell family of Hadlyme is devastated by the loss of Dr.Jacobs.All our respective dogs will join us from heaven and here tomourn the loss of Rick Jacobs. It is going to be difficult to continueon without him, a brilliant man, vet and friend. All our sympathy tohis family. This crazy part of the world will never be the samewithout him.
Lee, Missy, Richard and William Prowell-Hadlyme CT
Leonora Prowell (Hadlyme, CT)
May 31, 2008
Dr. Jacobs was one of the most wonderful vetrinarians that our familyhas ever had the pleasure of meeting and take care of our pets. Heinspired our oldest son to want to grow up and be a vetrinarian. Hislove, passion and patience with our 3 (large) dogs was AMAZING. Hetook such great care of our Sable when we rescued her and made herhealthy and happy. We will miss his stories and his smiling face everytime he saw everyone. Our family and our dogs will miss him terribly.We offer our sincere sympathy to his family and our prayers andthoughts will be with you always.

With much respect and admiration,

Chris, Beth, Dylan and Brandon Iovene and our girls ~ Sable, Belle andPhoebe.
Chris and Beth Iovene (Higganum, CT)

May 31, 2008
My heartfelt sympathy to the Jacobs family and all the staff at theVeterinary Hospital...Richard was an excellent vet and my family and Iare heartbroken. It is such a tragedy and he will be terribly missed.I never forgot the article in the paper showing Richard and AliceCoopers snake he did emergency surgery on.....
Judith Levin (Haddam, CT)

May 31, 2008
Dr. Jacobs was one of the best vets I have ever encountered. Hisspirit was with the animals he worked with and the humans who broughtthem to him. His departure from this earth is a huge loss for all ofthose who cared for and loved this warm, compassionate, andintelligent human being. Now he has crossed over the Rainbow Bridge tobe with all those heavenly creatures he worked tirelessly to save. Forme, knowing all he and his staff at the Clinic did to treat Theo andBG, it is comforting to know he is with them now. My heartfeltcondolences to his immediate family and to his staff family.
Marcy Carlone
Marcy Carlone (New Britain, CT)

by Mike
I met Rick about three years ago. He came into my shop to buy someparts for a machine at his work. He happened to have noticed a pictureon my board of one of my three dogs. She is a pit bull (Jami) and hehad such a love for pit bulls. Not ever seeing or knowing him beforethis day he pulled up a chair and we talked for over an hour abouthere and issues with pits bull. Amazingly I had met him when I didbecause not more then a month went by and Jami had gotten limesdisease. If it weren’t for Dr Jacobs we would have lost her. It wasabout 8 pm when I called the office, he answered and was home but hegave me directions to his house so he could look at her that night. Itturned out it was a rare strain and it had attacked her renal glands.I trusted him and his staff fully and Jami would not be with us todayif it weren’t for him. Some where along the way he got the nick namefrom us DR Rick and it stuck. He laughed every time we called him it.We have never been so blessed meeting a man like him before, he wassuch a kind and caring man. He has made such a difference in so manypeople’s lives including mine and my families. We will certainly misshim as a doctor and a friend. Our blessing goes out to everyone in hisfamily and all that knew him.

Eileen - 05/31/08
Like Mike, I met Dr. Jacobs about three years ago when I believed ourbeloved cat 'Brat' was dying. Because of Dr. Rick she is still withus. Because of her various alments at 16 years of age I have spent alot of time in the clinc and had many long conversations with himabout animals (of course), but also about music, literature, scienceand philosophy. He spent 45 minutes giving me advice when my daughterexpressed interest in veterinary school. Watching his gentle mannerwith the animals and the trust the animals gave to him showed what aspecial man he was. My heart goes out to his family and the staff ofthe clinic. God bless you all and God bless Dr. Rick. I will miss him.

by IDS
DR. IRA D. SHANDLES Had a stroke/aneurism June 02, 2008 in theevening. Critical condition.

by Wayne Nault
I was deeply moved today when I learned that Rick had passed away, Iam sitting here reading all of the other posts from those of you whoknew Rick as their vet and the wonderful stories of compassion, hisquest for knowledge and his intelligence. I actually have not seen norspoken with Rick for 30 years. You see, I was a classmate and friendof Rick's in high school in Ohio and have many great memories of ourtimes in class as well as both being wrestlers for the NorthwoodRangers. When I read what others have written about him, I can tellyou that he possessed those same characteristics then as a teen. Hewas one of the smartest and most inquisitive people I knew. As anexample, I can tell you of time while we were in Chemistry classtogether where we obtained a patent book from the library andproceeded to try and recreate some of the things we found in there.I'm sure the statute of limitations has passed so I can tell you thatsome ceiling tiles suffered the result of a reaction gone bad! I canalso tell you that he had an incredible sense of humor and I have manygreat memories of some really hilarious times.

I would like to extend my deep sympathy to his wife and family. Fromthese posts, it appears that he was loved by his community and gavemuch back making an impact on many lives. Most people in this lifehave not accomplished that and he clearly has been an example forothers to emulate. Goodbye, Rick.

June 1, 2008
Cheri, Dr Jacobs’ family and his Higganum Vet Clinic family -
We were deeply saddened to hear of your loss. Our thoughts and prayersare with you at this difficult time. Like so many others who havealready signed this book I have fond memories of how many times Dr.Rick was there for us. Like the day when Alice Cooper’s snake was anemergency and we were too. Like the Christmas we interrupted hisdinner because he had given us his cell phone number. There was alsothe Sunday when we left a message thinking it would be okay, he wouldcall us first thing Monday morning only to have him call later in theday on Sunday and tell us to come on down to the clinic. Then mostrecently this April Dr. Rick gave up his Sunday morning to help us seeour own little Sheltie cross over the Rainbow Bridge. He was a kindand gentle man who helped our cat, our Shelties and our Lab live verylong and happy lives. He will be sorely missed and the world will be alittle less bright because of the loss of a sole who could not onlytalk to the animals but listen to them too.

John and Kristi Wood
(Fish Breath, Chelsea, Winston & ThisBe)
Kristi Wood (East Hampton, CT)

June 1, 2008
My deepest sympathies. The 17 year old boy's photo in his Toledo Bladeobituary is the golden boy I knew, loved and remember. The brilliantmind, the caustic wit, his kindness towards other species will be hislegacy. Vicki
vicki riley-pach (east haddam, CT)

June 1, 2008
At times like this words seem so insignificant, please know that manypeople care and that your loved one made such an impact while on thisearth. Wishing you strength in the days and weeks ahead. Sendinghealing prayers to help along this most difficult of journey.
Sherry Reamsnyder (Woodville, OH)

June 1, 2008
To Dr. Jacobs Family and Staff at Higganum Vet, We are very sorry tohear of your loss. Dr. Jacobs did amazing work and was completelydedicated to his profession. We were lucky to come across a doctor whohad his expertise and knowledge. We have one dog, two cats, all butone with health issues. Dr. Jacobs treated all his patients as if theywere his own pets. He will be greatly missed. God Bless
Jennifer, Peter, Declan, Liam, Agador, Artimus & Angus Christopher
Jennifer Christopher (Higganum, CT)

June 2, 2008
My 'babies' and I are so saddened by the loss of such a wonderful,caring man. He truly was a person who understood his calling in life.I feel we were very fortunate in having all our animals, those whohave passed on, and the 2 we now have, being taken care of by someonewho was so passionate about them. From the newspaper articles on hiswalls, to the number of 'criters' he took care of, he was man blessed.I remember when he lost Kia-Rose, even for just a brief time, hisheart was broken. I miss him, his loving care and knowledge for allhis patients and their families too. My heart felt sympathies for hiswife, mother and family, all the staff at Higganum Vet too. He willlive on in all our memories.
Teri Everett, Smokey-Joe, Ginger Spice
Teri Everett (Higganum, CT)

June 2, 2008
Dear Cheri, family & Higganum Vet Staff, My whole family was shockedand so sad to hear about Dr. Jacobs passing. Just moments beforecalling the office for an appointment and hearing the news, I had beentelling a neighbor about him and what an amazing veterinarian andperson he was. He gave me his cell phone number and home number whenour dog Ripple was very ill and was so kind when I called him late oneevening very worried. Ripple made it through once again, with hisexcellent care. He was such an original and so brilliant. We willtruly miss him. Our deepest condolences to his wife, family and staff.Linda & Alan Nietlisbach and Family
Linda Nietlisbach (Madison, CT)

June 2, 2008
Rich Jacobs was not just an excellent Vet, but a wonderful man and acaring friend and the world is a sadder place for his passing. I onlyhope he knew how much he was appreciated and loved. I loved him.
Tricia Bonse (Waterbury, CT)

June 2, 2008
Our deepest sympathy to Cheri, Dr. Jacobs' family and the wonderfulstaff at Higganum Vet Clinic.
We were shocked and devastated to learn of Rick's passing. Rick wasone of the most interesting, compassionate, intelligent and caringpeople we have ever met. He was there for our Jessie and Abby - hehelped them cross over to the Rainbow Bridge with dignity. Not onlywas he sensitive to the feelings of our beloved dogs, but also to ourneeds as well - he was a gentle soul. Our Casey will miss you and ourtwo new ones, Piper and Tess, will never have the benefit of yourcaring in their lives. But, most of all Rick, we will miss you - we'reso glad we had the chance to know you - you truly made a difference inthis world. What will we and others ever do without you? I hope youknow how much we were and are truly touched by all that you did for usand our clan. We will never forget. Marilyn and John, Casey, Piper,Tess, Jessie & Abby.
Marilyn & John Jensen (Bolton, CT)

June 2, 2008
Cheri & Higganum Vet Staff: I just heard about Dr. Jacobs passing. Iam very sorry to hear about the loss. I loved having him as my vet andhe will be truly missed. My condolences are with all of you. LoriRiley & the 'Our Lovable Labs'
Lori Riley (East Haddam, CT)

June 2, 2008
I was so shocked and saddend to hear of Dr. Jacobs death. He was awonderful vet and I knew my pets were in very good hands with him, andalso the tremendous support from all the girls and staff. This is aterrible loss for everyone. Please except my deepest sympathies to allof his family and staff Nancy, Smudge and Dusty Kindell
Nancy Kindell (East Haddam, CT)

June 1, 2008
Cheri and Helene and Frank I am shocked and saddened by Ricks passing.All I can remember is the times we showed up at your home at 4 in themorning with Gucci and the time Armani spent a week with you at yourhome to get over his bad infection and then there was Fendi. Who spenta few of his last days with you this last Christmas. We will miss Dr.J. and the personal attention he gave us when we needed it. I am gladI am on my last dog I don't know what we will do now. Hope you getthrough this ok.
Barbara Somers (New Britain, CT)

June 1, 2008
You are in our thoughts and prayers.
Tom,Constance,Alexa and Tommy Pullman (Higganum, CT)
June 1, 2008
My thoughts and prayers are with you. I went to Northwood High Schoolwith Rick. He was one of the sweetest and brightest boys - always hada smile on his face. I will always remember him fondly.
Janice Crofts (Northwood, OH)

June 1, 2008
To Friends of Rick Jacobs and for all the beasts. Rick you were one ofthe brightest young persons I have known. You were one of the best andI cherish happy memories of the late 70's and early 80's. Peace andjoy to you on another plane.
sara staats (St. Louisville, OH)

June 1, 2008
Cheri, Dr. Jacobs family and staff at Higganum Vet Clinic. It is withgreat sadness that we heard of Rick's passing today. A tremendous vetand one of a kind. Our deepest sympathy we extend to you all. Due tohis dedication and joy of his work, he gave us many wonderful yearswith our dogs, Princeton and Casey. Our prayers are with you all. TheCohen Family.
Karin Cohen (Higganum, CT)

June 3, 2008
I have been to many vets through the years. When I met Dr. Jacobs, Imet the Vet. of a lifetime. He was one of a kind. The compassion andtalent showed by him was remarkable. I am honored to have met such awonderful, caring man. We, (Oreo & I) will miss him and the staff atthe clinic. His family is in my thoughts and prayers.
MaryLou Cappiello (Middletown, CT)
Contact me

June 3, 2008
To enter Higganum Veterinary Clinic was to sense immediately apeacefulness that enveloped both pets and humans. Our guinea pigs werepatients of Dr. Jacobs for 4-1/2 years. He and his staff were socaring when our Catherine passed away last year. I feel honored tohave known him for the short time that I did. My deepest sympathiesare with his wife, family, friends, and the staff of HigganumVeterinary Clinic.
Ellen Falbowski (Colchester, CT)

June 3, 2008
I am so sorry to have learned about this. Rick saved the life of oneof my cats a few years ago and I am forever grateful.
Ruth Karl (Windham/formerly Mdtwn, CT)

June 2, 2008
Cheri, and Everyone at Higginum Vet,
What can I say...I don't know what to say... I was speechless when Iheard of Dr. Jacob's passing and still cannot find the words toexpress my deepest condolences to all of you. Dr. Jacob's was a kind,gentle, amazing, and loving man with an incredible gift... he wastruly a Dr.Doolittle... he really could talk and listen to theanimals. On several occasions he diagnosed my animals with rareailments and saved them. Fuzzy our rabbit was who brought us to Dr.Jacob's, when nobody else could tell us what was wrong. Fuzzy livedmuch longer than he would have without Dr. Jabobs . And our Garfieldis still here today because of his tenacity for getting to the 'heart'of the problem... and Maggie well it was Dr. Jacob's and Cheri whosuggested to us a Sheltie when we decided to get a dog. What a fit...Maggie was the perfect choice. He always knew what to do when it cameto taking care of our animals and what to say to us. Even on my lastvisit 2 weeks ago we were talking about the fact that my son islearning how to drive, he shared with me the story about his recentfender bender with a new driver and how she was so upset that her momwas going to be so mad, but before she called her mom he reminded herthat the first thing she should tell her mom is that she was o.k., thecar could be fixed. She was what really mattered. He gave me words tothink about even then. I cannot imagine how difficult it must be forall of you who shared even more with him... please know that ourentire families prayers are with you all.... God Bless,
The Sasena's - Debi, Bob, Ryan, Megan and of course Garfield & Maggie
Debi Sasena (Ivoryton, CT)
Contact me

June 2, 2008
Cheri, I can't imagine how great your personal loss is! Rick was sospecial to so many of us and our animals. He remembered things aboutour beloved Akita, long after she was gone, and by the way, he madeher passing a sweet and peaceful experience. We just today heard thesad news of his passing. Our most heartfelt sympathies to you.
Barbara and Tucker Reynolds (Centerbrook, CT)
Contact me

June 2, 2008
Bonjour, Cheri...
A beautiful light went out--memories of lovely times together willremain forever in my heart. I shall send you a note after I returnfrom a trip out of state.
Until then, I give you a most affectionate hug,
Anne-Marie Allen (Branford, CT
June 2, 2008
Our deepest sympathy on the loss of such a caring veterinarian. Hewill be greatly missed by all.
Max & Rosemary Miller (Higganum, CT)

June 2, 2008
Dear Cheri,
I will miss him terribly, both for his wonderful mind and for hisextrordinary veterinary skills....I don't think anyone will take hisplace.
Benedict has just been diagnosed today with some kind of cancer - onhis 13th birthday and I know he'd have been able to give me moreinformation than I have been able to get....
I hope we Annmarie and I can get together with you for another dinnerwhen things settle...
Marjorie Olsen (Higganum, CT)

June 2, 2008
Dear Cheri, & Higganum Vet Staff
I was so shocked & saddend to hear of Dr. Jacobs death.
He was my vet for 16 years. He took wonderful care of my two belovedRagdoll cats, Buttercup & Blueberry, who have gone over to the RainbowBridge. Richard was so caring during that difficult time for me. Hewas a wonderful person & veterinarian.
My deepest condolences to Cheri, family & vet staff.
Contact me,
Janice Donoski (Clinton, CT)

June 4, 2008
I will forever miss Dr. Jacobs’ way with people and animals – hisunique lilt as he spoke to me or my cats, the way he could discuss anytopic, and his calming effect he had on me and the kitties. I justenjoyed sitting in the waiting room and watching the antics. I willnever forget the hubbub of 10 golden retriever puppies getting theirfirst shots. It was such a happy event. Just 7 weeks ago, my 18 yearold cat K.C. died in Dr. Jacobs’ arms. It was the safest and kindestplace K.C. could have been. How I trusted him. He made me feel like hehad all the time in the world to offer compassion and good oldconversation. Even his own dog consoled me in the waiting room whenkitty was dying. He will never be replaced. I just saw him a few weeksago jogging by my house with his beloved dog. He gave a big wave andsmile. I regret that I didn’t stop him to tell him how much of animpact he had on me and my animals. Dr. Jacobs, my kitties and I wereblessed to have known you.
Liz & Rocky Conroy (Higganum, CT)
Contact me

June 4, 2008
To Everyone in Dr. Jacobs family and office. It was devastating toAllen and I when we heard of Dr. Jacobs passing. The care that he andthe whole office showed to our family, Lucy, Albert and Shadow wasextraordinary. When no one else wanted to deal with me and my two newkittens, Dr. Jacobs and his office took us in with open arms. He trulywas a Dr. Doolittle. He will be missed greatly. Allen and I expressour condolences to his family and staff.
Kenna Warner (East Hampton, CT

June 3, 2008
Cheri, I'm so sorry for your loss. My thoughts are with you. Lorna
(and the Weimaraners)
Lorna Godsill (Glastonbury, CT)

June 3, 2008
I cannot begin to express how sorry I was to hear the news. Dr. Jacobswas an extraordinarily brilliant man who will be deeply missed bythose lucky enough to have met him. He took loving care of Lucy, ourbeloved beagle throughout her life and right up to her death for whichI will forever be grateful. I hope all the doggies and other petswhose lives he made better will be greeting him on the other side withlots of love and joy! My deepest sympathies go out to his family andloved ones.
Michael Lloyd (Old Lyme, CT.)1 Richard Allen Jacobs also went by the name of Rick.1
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  1. [S743] Cathy Melzak, 2010.

Joanne L. Topping1



Marvin Walter Jacobs b. 31 Mar 1934, d. 16 Jan 1979
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  1. [S743] Cathy Melzak, 2010.

John DeVere Harrison1



Cathy Jo Jacobs b. 29 Sep 1955, d. 3 Mar 1989
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  1. [S743] Cathy Melzak, 2010.

Christina Lorraine Jacobs1

F, b. 12 October 1972
Father*John DeVere Harrison1
Mother*Cathy Jo Jacobs1 b. 29 Sep 1955, d. 3 Mar 1989
     Christina Lorraine Jacobs was born on 12 October 1972 at Toledo, Lucas, Ohio, USA.1 She died at Sandusky, Erie, Ohio, USA.1
     She Born Christina Lorraine Jacobs. Father was John DeVere Harrison of Oregon State. John Harrison was in the army at Fort Bragg, North Carolina where Cathy Jacobs visited. Adopted by Thomas and Marsha Kerr, Sandusky, Ohio. Kimberly Rene 'Ranae' Kerr is her adopted name. Marsha, Kim's adopted Mom divorced Tom and moved to Pennsylvania. Tom and Marsha were from Fostoria, Ohio.1 Christina Lorraine Jacobs was also known as Christina Lorraine Harrison.1 Christina Lorraine Jacobs was also known as Kimberly Kerr.1 She was confirmed on 19 November 1972 at Saint Wendelin, Fostoria, Seneca, Ohio, USA.1
Last Edited6 Jan 2015


  1. [S743] Cathy Melzak, 2010.

James Michael Beck I1

Last Edited7 Apr 2013


  1. [S743] Cathy Melzak, 2010.

James' Michael Beck II1

Father*James Michael Beck I1
Mother*Cathy Jo Jacobs1 b. 29 Sep 1955, d. 3 Mar 1989
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  1. [S743] Cathy Melzak, 2010.

Michael John Beck II1

Father*James Michael Beck I1
Mother*Cathy Jo Jacobs1 b. 29 Sep 1955, d. 3 Mar 1989
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  1. [S743] Cathy Melzak, 2010.

Richard Allen Beck1

Father*James Michael Beck I1
Mother*Cathy Jo Jacobs1 b. 29 Sep 1955, d. 3 Mar 1989
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  1. [S743] Cathy Melzak, 2010.

Daniel Beck1

Father*James Michael Beck I1
Mother*Cathy Jo Jacobs1 b. 29 Sep 1955, d. 3 Mar 1989
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  1. [S743] Cathy Melzak, 2010.

Victoria Lynn Riley1



Richard Allen Jacobs b. 8 Nov 1956, d. 27 May 2008
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  1. [S743] Cathy Melzak, 2010.

Rudolph Brice Jacobs Sr.1

M, b. 13 February 1905, d. October 1983
Father*Christopher Antoine Jacobs1 b. 11 Apr 1876, d. 13 May 1941
Mother*Mathilda L. Stark1 b. 17 May 1881, d. 29 Oct 1948
     Rudolph Brice Jacobs Sr. was born on 13 February 1905 at LaSalle, Monroe, Michigan, USA.1 He married an unknown person on 25 November 1926 at Monroe, Michigan, USA.1 He died in October 1983 at Tarpon Springs, Pinellas, Florida, USA, at age 78.1
     He 1930 OH Census-Lived at 505 Ford St., Maumee, Lucas (Waynesfield)County, Ohio. O|ccupation-Gardener of a Private Estate.

Rude & Rudy-nickname.1
Last Edited21 Apr 2013


  1. [S743] Cathy Melzak, 2010.

Lawrence Richard Jacobs1

M, b. 22 June 1890, d. 27 February 1972
Father*Antoine Jacob Jr.1 b. 15 Jan 1855, d. 1941
Mother*Mary Agnes Rowe1 b. 20 Oct 1856, d. 28 Jan 1900


Margaret Friedman b. 1898
     Lawrence Richard Jacobs was born on 22 June 1890 at Erie, Monroe, Michigan, USA.1 He married Margaret Friedman on 26 February 1916 at Monroe, Monroe, Michigan, USA.1 Lawrence Richard Jacobs died on 27 February 1972 at Erie, Monroe, Michigan, USA, at age 81.1
     He was Fisherman, self-employed. Lived in Erie, Michigan. No children at the time of Draft Registration on June 05 1917. So his first born child had to have been born after June 05, 1917. He had grey eyes and brown hair. His build was medium along with his height. on 5 June 1917.1
Last Edited18 Apr 2013


  1. [S743] Cathy Melzak, 2010.

Dody Christopher Jacobs1

M, b. 2 November 1899, d. November 1979
Father*Christopher Antoine Jacobs1 b. 11 Apr 1876, d. 13 May 1941
Mother*Mathilda L. Stark1 b. 17 May 1881, d. 29 Oct 1948
     Dody Christopher Jacobs was born on 2 November 1899 at Monroe, Michigan, USA.1 He married an unknown person on 23 May 1923 at Saint Joseph's Catholic Church, Erie, Monroe, Michigan, USA.1 He died in November 1979 at Monroe, Monroe, Michigan, USA.1
     He Dody Christopher Jacobs had brown hair and eyes.
Occupation was a farmer.
Lived with his brother Christopher Jacobs.
Was of medium height and build.
Stated that he was born in 1900 on the Draft Card.

Dody Christian. circa 1917.1
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  1. [S743] Cathy Melzak, 2010.

Peggy Jane Duncan1

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  1. [S743] Cathy Melzak, 2010.

Charles Jeffery Hymore1

Father*George Victor Hymore1 b. 27 Jan 1933, d. 23 Jan 1998
Mother*Carol Jean Jacobs1 b. 12 Sep 1935
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  1. [S743] Cathy Melzak, 2010.

Jamie Lynn Hymore1

Father*Charles Jeffery Hymore1
Mother*Peggy Jane Duncan1
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  1. [S743] Cathy Melzak, 2010.

Charle Edson Hymore1

Father*Charles Jeffery Hymore1
Mother*Peggy Jane Duncan1
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  1. [S743] Cathy Melzak, 2010.

Melvin J. Jacobs Sr.1

M, b. 24 May 1920, d. 21 January 1997
Father*Christopher Antoine Jacobs1 b. 11 Apr 1876, d. 13 May 1941
Mother*Mathilda L. Stark1 b. 17 May 1881, d. 29 Oct 1948
     Melvin J. Jacobs Sr. was born on 24 May 1920 at Erie, Monroe, Michigan, USA.1 He died on 21 January 1997 at McClure, Henry, Ohio, USA, at age 76.1
     He Lived at 335 Coldwater St., McClure, Ohio. Middle name may start withJ.
Someone said it was Bernard.1
Last Edited21 Apr 2013


  1. [S743] Cathy Melzak, 2010.

Lucille Gertrude Jacobs1

F, b. 1 October 1911, d. 21 May 2003
Father*Christopher Antoine Jacobs1 b. 11 Apr 1876, d. 13 May 1941
Mother*Mathilda L. Stark1 b. 17 May 1881, d. 29 Oct 1948
     Lucille Gertrude Jacobs was born on 1 October 1911 at Erie, Monroe, Michigan, USA.1 She married an unknown person in 1927 at Monroe, Michigan, USA.1 She married an unknown person on 31 October 1933 at Saint Rose Catholic Church, Perrysburg, Wood, Ohio, USA.1 She died on 21 May 2003 at Mercy Memorial Hospital, Monroe, Monroe, Michigan, USA, at age 91.1 She was buried after 21 May 2003 at Saint Anthony's Catholic Cemetery, Monroe, Michigan, USA.1
     Lucille Gertrude Jacobs was also known as Lucille Gertrude Grodi.1 Lucille Gertrude Jacobs was also known as Lucille Gertrude Goda.1
Last Edited21 Apr 2013


  1. [S743] Cathy Melzak, 2010.

Lillian E. Jacobs1

F, b. 18 September 1902, d. 18 June 1988
Father*Christopher Antoine Jacobs1 b. 11 Apr 1876, d. 13 May 1941
Mother*Mathilda L. Stark1 b. 17 May 1881, d. 29 Oct 1948
     Lillian E. Jacobs was born on 18 September 1902 at LaSalle, Monroe, Michigan, USA.1 She married an unknown person circa 1922 at Michigan, USA.1 She died on 18 June 1988 at Monroe, Monroe, Michigan, USA, at age 85.1
     Lillian E. Jacobs was also known as Lillian E. Poupard.1
Last Edited21 Apr 2013


  1. [S743] Cathy Melzak, 2010.

Beulah M. Jacobs1

F, b. 8 January 1915, d. 27 October 1997
Father*Christopher Antoine Jacobs1 b. 11 Apr 1876, d. 13 May 1941
Mother*Mathilda L. Stark1 b. 17 May 1881, d. 29 Oct 1948
     Beulah M. Jacobs was born in 1914.1 She was born on 8 January 1915.1 She died on 27 October 1997 at Monroe, Monroe, Michigan, USA, at age 82.1
     As of 1930, Beulah M. Jacobs was also known as Jaskobes surname in 1930 MI Census was Jaskobes.1
Last Edited21 Apr 2013


  1. [S743] Cathy Melzak, 2010.

George Victor Hymore1

M, b. 27 January 1933, d. 23 January 1998
     George Victor Hymore was born on 27 January 1933 at Toledo, Lucas, Ohio, USA.1 He married Carol Jean Jacobs, daughter of Walter Dominic Jacobs and Mary Rose Vallade, on 1 May 1954 at Lucas, Ohio, USA.1 George Victor Hymore died on 23 January 1998 at Toledo, Lucas, Ohio, USA, at age 64.1
     George Victor Hymore was also known as Sam.1
Last Edited17 Apr 2013


  1. [S743] Cathy Melzak, 2010.

Arnold E. Leggett1

M, b. 23 June 1931, d. 24 September 2006
Mother*Donna M Rang


Carol Jean Jacobs b. 12 Sep 1935
     Arnold E. Leggett was born on 23 June 1931 at Toledo, Lucas, Ohio, USA.1 He married Carol Jean Jacobs, daughter of Walter Dominic Jacobs and Mary Rose Vallade, on 18 October 2003 at Lucas, Ohio, USA.1 Arnold E. Leggett died on 24 September 2006 at Hospital, Maumee, Lucas, Ohio, USA, at age 75.1
     Arnold E. Leggett was also known as Bud.1 He began military service on 1 February 1950 US Air Force. He ended military service on 6 February 1954.
Last Edited5 Jan 2015


  1. [S743] Cathy Melzak, 2010.

Betty Carolyn Sands1

Last Edited13 Apr 2021


  1. [S743] Cathy Melzak, 2010.

Olene R. Rone1



Richard Allan Jacobs b. 29 Jun 1941
Last Edited6 Apr 2013


  1. [S743] Cathy Melzak, 2010.

Sandra C. Jones1

Last Edited6 Apr 2013


  1. [S743] Cathy Melzak, 2010.