Saidee Elise Dowling (1910 - 1966) Albert Lewis Dowling (1885 - 1948) Ethel Louise McDaniel (1889 - 1975) Decanie Dexter Dowling (1850 - 1916) Mary Margaret Thames (1860 - 1924) William Jesse Sr. McDaniel (1840 - 1907) Elizabeth Matilda Evans (1846 - 1928) James Theophilus Dowling (1814 - 1882) Mary Ann Long (1819 - 1896) Franklin White Thames (1831 - 1873) Mary Jane Clifton (1837 - 1921) Frederick McDaniel (1801 - 1885) Emily 'Millie' Holmes (1806 - 1865) John Paul Jennings Evans (1814 - 1852) Caroline Rachel Appling Lamar (1818 - ) |
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